Happy Mammoth Fermented Happy Fibre


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Happy Mammoth Fermented Happy Fibre


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  • The Prebiotic secret behind flushing away waste and toxins fast

    Despite common recommendations around eating a high fibre diet, the fact remains that fibre is still a misunderstood ingredient.

    Fibre is part of the structure of plants and is responsible for building pectin, lignins and cellulose. Fibre is actually free from calories because it cannot be digested by humans.

    Instead, fibre passes through our digestive system and helps flush away waste, cholesterol and toxins out of your gut. It also helps with digestion and total body detoxification. These fibres work like a prebiotic.

    Changes are that you haven’t heard of the third type of fermented fibre— resistant starch.

    Resistant starch is fast becoming the new medical superfood of the world because of its unique ability to reboot the health of your entire body.

    Resistant starch is a positive carbohydrate and contains not gluten or sugar. In fact, it’s vital to maintaining your overall health. Especially when it comes from the Australian ‘lady finger’ green banana.

    The starch works by producing butyrate in our large intestine. This crucial digestive enzyme provides the kind of food your good gut bacteria crave and inhibit the growth of toxic bacteria.

    Resistant starch works by producing butyrate in our large intestine, this crucial digestive enzyme feeds good gut bacteria and inhibits the growth of bad bacteria.

    It also helps naturally lower triglyceride levels, cholesterol and chronic inflammation. It’s also been shown to increase the bioavailability of your food in the gut. Allowing your body to extract and absorb a higher rate of vitamins, minerals and antioxidant capacity from your foods.

    A new study has even shown that resistant starch rich diet can aid in the treatment of type 1 and type 2 diabetes. For people without diabetes (yet), resistant starch is critical for its prevention.

    Signs and Symptoms Associated with a Diet Low In Fibre and Resistant Starch

    Stubborn bloating that refuses to go away

    Foul sulphur smelling gas and burping

    Acid reflux and GERD

    Sugar highs and cravings

    You’re still hungry after finishing a meal

    Trouble losing weight

    High levels of bad LDL cholesterol

    High fasting glucose levels


    A weak immune system (constant colds etc.)

    Chronic systemic inflammation

    Digestive disturbances, discomfort and chronic gut issues

    Recent use of antibiotics

    Mental health issues such as depression, anxiety and mood disorders

  • How to lose weight the smart way without actually reducing your food intake as shown by science (whilst lowering insulin sensitivity)

    A scientific study from Louisiana University System showed that a high-fat diet with supplementation of butyrates (formed by the fermentation of green banana flour in your gut) lead to weight maintenance without having to reduce food intake. The same study also showed that butyrate can also prevent and treat diet-induced insulin resistance. Another study by the International Journal of Environmental research studies the effects of native banana starch on glycemic response in both lean and overweight people. They found that banana starch supplementation greatly improved insulin response during both eating and non-eating periods throughout the day.

    Promotes a healthy colon environment to easy bowel motions and reduced tummy bloating

    Prebiotics and Probiotics are so popular today because a healthy colon requires your gut to be healthy first. When your gut bacteria eat the resistant starch from green bananas, they product an important, short-chain fatty acid called butyrate. Butyrate keeps the cells in your colon healthy and even helps fight cancerous cells. Your intestines love butyrate because it keeps things working properly and promotes production of vital immune cells, enteric neurons, intestinal microflora and nutrients.

    Escape the terrifying clutches of the underlying (and viscous) metabolic syndromes

    Metabolic syndrome is group of risk factors such as high blood sugar, obesity, high cholesterol levels, high blood pressure and obesity. Now, having any one of these factors is risky but having multiple can increase your risk of diabetes by 5x. Not to mention your increased risk of heart disease and strokes. A recent study of green banana flour has shown that there were great improvements in metabolic syndrome symptoms in the participants, along with a reduction in fasting glucose levels (important to monitor for diabetes) and systolic blood pressure.

    Increase your feelings of satiety to help promote easy weight loss (with one scoop per day)

    It has been shown that the resistant starch found in green bananas keeps blood sugar levels in check but it can also help with weight loss. Being a multi fibre source, green banana flour adds ‘bulk’ so when eaten, you will feel fuller sooner which promotes a satisfying feeling of satiety. A recent study even indicated that people who consumed green banana starch lost more body weight than when those same patients were on the control treatment.

    Reduce harmful and ‘artery plaque’ causing LDL cholesterol levels

    Foods high in resistant starch can help lower cholesterol levels, meaning green banana flour is an important cholesterol lowering food. A recent Journal of Nutrition study on the effects of resistant starch showed total cholesterol and triacylglycerol level reduction in participants. Another study by South Dakota State University also showed a reduction in the average total bad (LDL) cholesterol in participants. Their weight and measurements also decreased.

    One of the richest sources of potassium in the world

    Green banana flour is rich in potassium with about 500 mg per service. Potassium is important because it acts as an electrolyte, promotes circulatory health, helps healthy blood flow and ensures that enough oxygen gets to all your cells. Potassium is also helps prevent high blood pressure and decreases the risks of heart disease and stroke because it regulates water retention, sodium and circulation. It also prevents muscle cramping following exercise and helps your muscles recover faster after exercise. This makes it an important nutrient for anyone who is especially physically active or who is recovering from an injury.

    Help combat mystery headaches and back pain

    Additionally, the high amount of potassium found in green bananas has heavily studied and correlations have been found when helping to decrease symptoms associated with ADHD, back pain, kidney stones, headaches and more!

    How to become a happier person in less than 10 seconds per day (whilst balancing hormones at the same time)

    Green bananas are high in tryptophan, an essential amino acid that acts like a natural mood regulator and has the ability to balance certain hormones naturally. One of these hormones is that it regulates is serotonin. Healthy levels of serotonin work to lift your mood and prevent mood disorders including anxiety and depression. Green bananas also include antioxidants that help with the release of dopamine within the brain.

    Paired with 5 HTP, Green Banana Flour give you a ‘double shot’ of happiness and keeps you in a positive mindset

    Studies have shown that tryptophan and 5HTP can work as well as prescription antidepressants. Studies indicate that 5HTP is highly beneficial for people with mild to moderate depression. Research has also linked a reduced intake of tryptophan can cause significant reductions in certain brain activities that promote happiness and that low serotonin levels are more common among people with anxiety and depression. Increased production of serotonin through 5HTP helps in maintaining sleep, libido, energy, reduces anxiety, mood and appetite control.

    Eliminate a little-known yet highly catastrophic toxin from your body (and your life!) that can literally ‘run you into the ground’

    Green banana resistant starch plays a pivotal role in removing aflatoxins from the body. Aflatoxins are found in corn, fungi and other types of vegetables. Over time, they can build up in your body and exceed the limit in which your body can effectively deal with them. One you body can no longer cope, cancer can inevitably occur. Your body can only take so much toxicity before it succumbs to all of the life factors that pollute our system and run us down.

    A scientific way to beat Zinc deficiency which is a common problem amongst Australians

    Zinc deficiency occurs when you don’t eat enough foods that contain zinc or you have trouble absorbing zinc from foods due to very poor gut health, such as having leaky gut syndrome and digestive disorders. Zinc acts as a powerful antioxidant in your body and is an effective anti-inflammatory and antioxidant agent. It also helps fight oxidative stress and decrease the chance for disease development, including as a natural cancer treatment. Zinc is also important for a healthy immune system, healing wounds, healthy growth and development in childhood, cognitive function and eye health just to name a few.

    Prevent free radical damage to specific fats in the body that are critical for your health and naturally slow ageing

    Vitamin E is an important fat soluble vitamin that’s required for the proper function of many organs, enzymatic activities and neurological processes. Some of the benefits of consuming vitamin E rich food such as green banana flour including the treating and preventing diseases the the blood vessels and heart such as high blood pressure, blocked or hardened arteries and chest pains. Vitamin E has also been proven to benefit skin, provide protection against toxins and maintain healthy eye and brain function.

    Delicious, versatile and easy to use

    Simple incorporate one scoop of Happy Fermented Fibre into your daily routine to get all the health benefits. It can easily be consumed in water, smoothies, sprinkled on acai bowls, used to bake healthy and gluten free treats or sprinkled on cereal, or added Prebiotic Collagen Protein.

    100% natural and complete (no other fibre supplements needed) ‘multi-fibre’ source, rich in the fermented fibre, soluble fibre and insoluble fibre

    Fibre is part of the structure of plants and is responsible for building pectin, lignins and cellulose. Fibre is actually free from calories because it cannot be digested by humans. Instead, fibre passes through our digestive system and helps flush away waste, fast, cholesterol and toxins out of your gut. It also helps with digestion and total body detoxification. These fibres work like a prebiotic. Essentially, they feed your microbiome (billions of tiny good bacteria which lives in your gut and controls much of your overall health). When the fibres enter your digestive system they encourage production of digestive enzymes which nourish your good bacteria and in turn heals your gut. It’s normally super difficult to get correct doses of all three essential types of fibre in a regular diet. Now you can be confidant that you are getting a full daily does of all these fibre types with multi-fibre source.

  • Resistant Starch Foods: How to make positive long lasting changes to your gut microbiome (and your life) using this little-known but clinically backed organic ingredient

    Resistant starch is rare… And it’s only found in a small handful of foods so there aren’t many options out there.

    You can choose from cold potatoes, legumes, lentials, bean or cold rice. But you sure have to eat a lot of these to get anywhere near the recommended serve of 18 grams per day.

    Scientists agree that the most abundant and powerful form of resistant starch is Green Banana Resistant Starch. Green banana contain a HUGE 44% resistant starch per every 100 grams.

    This means that you only need approximately one tablespoon to get your entire daily intake.

    Green Banana derived resistant starch is easily the best source going around. Not only does it contain a multi fibre blend of soluble, insoluble and fermented fibre. It’s also entirely sugar free and scientifically tested to contain 5HTP — the all natural precursor to the feel good and ‘happiness’ neurotransmitter, Serotonin.

    It’s also rich in important minerals such as potassium, zinc, magnesium together with vitamins B3 and B6.

    However: Not all green banana flour is made equal (and what to watch out for)

    We source our Green Banana Resistant Starch from lady finger bananas in tropical north Queensland. Every single batch is scientifically tested and manufactured naturally to the highest pharmaceutical standards in the world.

    In fact:

    Our manufacturer used millions of dollars worth of Government-backed Research to pioneer a new food manufacturing method called NutraLock™.

    This new technology has been proven to ‘lock in’ the important nutrients at a rate of 20-50 times higher than conventional heat processing techniques (unlike cheaper variations that use nasty heat processing that kills off all the beneficial nutrients, including the resistant starch.

    The all new process is natural, raw, cold and maintains the integrity of the cellular structures, for unparalleled health benefits that are passed onto to you.

  • 100% Organic, Natural and Ethically Sourced Ingredients

    Happy Mammoth Happy Fermented Fibre contains the number one source of resistant starch in the world – Australian grown organic green bananas. This superfood contains three types of fibre (soluble, insoluble and fermented) making it the ultimate multi-fibre resistant starch source.

    This multi-fibre source feeds the billions of good bacteria that make up your gut microbiome. In this sense, it may help nourish your microbiome and assist in healing the gut. Happy Fermented Fibre is also a natural source of 5HTP which is a natural precursor to serotonin.

    Serotonin is an important neurotransmitter that regulates your feelings of happiness and wellbeing. Lastly, Resistant starch from green bananas is often referred to as a second meal and acts as an appetite supressor which may help with weight loss.

    Ingredients: Certified 100% Organic Green Lady Finger Bananas grown in tropical North Queensland, Australia

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